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Exhibit Entry Form

For your convenience, we have extracted a copy of the Exhibit Entry Form from the current Fair Book for you to readily complete and submit for participation.

New Feature!  We have added an email option for Form submission for Exhibit Entry categories
except Sheep Entries. (See Entry Form for mail-in details.)

All Entry Forms, except Sheep Entries, may now be emailed to

The Westfield Fair

137 Russellville Road, Westfield, MA 01085

  • @WestfieldFairPhotos
  • @WestfieldFair


For more information about The Westfield Fair, feel free to contact us.

Phone number: (413) 222-4067

Thanks for submitting!


© 2025 Westfield Fair Association, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

Site DeSIGNED by DePINO 2022_0121-072624

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